USA National Human Trafficking Hotline: 1-888-373-7888 (TTY: 711) Text: 233733

In 2014, Emma discovered the atrocity of modern human trafficking and knew she had to act. Since then, she
Earned a B.A. in Political Science -- Foreign Affairs from BYU-I.
Is furthering her education by studying Non-Profit Fundraising Management at the University of Washington.
Acts as a human rights activist and abolitionist by
Fighting for those who can't speak for themselves.

In 2015, Mariah discovered modern human trafficking and the international humanitarian work combating it, and she wanted to make a difference. Since then, she
Earned a B.S. in Family Life - Human Development from BYU.
Will start graduate studies in International Family Studies in the fall.
Acts as a human rights activist and abolitionist
Because people aren't property.