“Because of the woman wearing it, a dress can change the world." -Blythe Hill

Blythe Hill is the inspiring woman who created the Dressember Foundation and who we are highlighting today.
Being a survivor of child sexual molestation, in 2005 Blythe was drawn to the anti-human trafficking cause when she learned about it’s global nature. She was horrified to discover women like her were being trafficked into slavery and as sex slaves. Knowing the pain of being sexually exploited, Blythe wanted to act to ensure no one else ever would.
Fast forward a few years to 2009. In college, she had the fun idea to dress up each day during the month of December. Her friends decided to join her and by 2013 Blythe had an incredibly popular movement on her hands. She decided to turn her dressing up in December into an international anti-human trafficking fundraising campaign called Dressember and the rest is history.
You can watch Blythe share her full story here:
Today, we are writing as Dressember Advocates to raise awareness and fundraise to end human trafficking in all its forms..
Will you help us?
Together we can bring an end to modern day slavery and the illegal sex trade that stem from human trafficking. Over 35 million victims are in need of rescue and rehabilitation.
Donate $20 to the Dressember Foundation today by going to our Advocacy team page.
Your gift will provide 1 survivor with an aftercare kit which helps her feel loved and cared for as she transitions out of a life of exploitation!
