We all have carbon footprints. But did you realize that your economic choices impact slavery and trafficking too? Find out what your Slavery Footprint is.
We've all heard of a carbon footprint. It's the total amount of carbon dioxide emissions released into our atmosphere due to our individual actions and choices.
It's a pretty widespread concept. But have you ever heard of a Slavery Footprint?
All of our economic choices as consumers of product drives a global production chain. We want a product, companies jump to provide us with the product, they source materials, they manufacture the product in factories, and then the product is put to market under a brand label, which we then buy and want more of. Wash, rinse, repeat.
Within that consumer chain are millions of slaves working to produce the phones, clothes, jewelry, food, and cars we utilize every day.
Men, women, and children are tricked, coerced, forced, trafficked into, or find themselves without options besides entering into slavery.
We invite you to take the first step of breaking the chain of slavery in the word: Becoming Aware of the issue at hand.

Visit www.slaveryfootprint.org and take their quiz.
You'll discover approximately how many people are currently slaves working to produce the products you use to maintain your lifestyle. We promise, the results are eye opening.
What's the next step?
Your choices impact the lives of others. Make the decision to help instead of hurt those who are slaves within the consumer cycle of the world.
You can give the Gift of Freedom today by visiting our Dressember Fundraising page and giving $20. Every dollar raised goes towards providing anti-trafficking organizations strategic grants designed to help rescue and rehabilitation missions of trafficked and enslaved persons.