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Fleeing Violence: Asylum Seekers

Writer's picture: Emma WhiteEmma White

Now, more than ever, the rights of fellow human beings fleeing violence, persecution, and torture deserve to be upheld, protected, and extended by all countries


Every 2 seconds, another person is displaced from their home as they flee violence, persecution, and death.

Refugees and Asylum seekers. Women and children. Men. The young and old.

Over 68.5 MILLION people are currently fleeing their homes and countries of origin to escape death, torture, violence, and persecution from situations such as war, genocide, economic collapse, and terrorism.

That's the highest number of displaced people that has ever taken place on Earth.

When reverence for human rights are tossed out the door and mass numbers of individuals lives are threatened, those people do their best to escape the horrors that are at home and find freedom in new countries that have sworn to uphold international laws that protect the rights and lives of the refugee and asylum seeker.

The right to seek and be given freedom from persecution in a country not of your origin is called asylum.

Article 14. (1) Everyone has the right to seek and to enjoy in other countries asylum from persecution. (2) This right may not be invoked in the case of prosecutions genuinely arising from non-political crimes or from acts contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations


Conflicts all around the world are driving people across both land and sea to find refuge in countries who abide by the UDHR principles and articles.

Did you know:

The most well recognized conflicts that are driving this exponential increase in people seeking asylum are:

-Syria and surrounding Middle East

- Central America: Guatemala, Hondouras, and El Salvador

-The Rohingya Genocide in Myanmar


You can help the millions of asylum seekers in the world by engaging in volunteer efforts and donating to causes that serve refugees with legal and humanitarian support. Here are a few avenues of action!



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